Tyler Keating on SproutCore

The Regina Technology Community welcomes Tyler Keating!

Topic: An Introduction to SproutCore
How do you write software for the web? Let's be clear, the vast majority of "apps" on the web don't hold a candle to native apps. The web apps are less responsive, have fewer features and are generally just not as good. But the truth is that it isn't because the web isn't a good platform for applications, it is a more than adequate platform; it's that the web is not a good platform for software developers. There are few tools and little framework support beyond the basics. However, there is a project that has been enabling developers to write true native-like software on the web. This project is SproutCore and this talk will provide an introduction to the framework from its current owner. The goal for any web app is simple: blazing-fast native-like applications running on any platform, but the path is long and winding. Come and learn how SproutCore makes it easier.

Speaker: Tyler Keating
Tyler Keating is a Saskatchewan native who grew up on a small farm West of Estevan. After finishing school at the University of Saskatchewan, Tyler began his career as an Engineer at SaskTel in Regina. A persistent desire to write software eventually led him to new jobs writing OS X desktop apps, Rails web apps, iPhone & Blackberry mobile apps and most recently, SproutCore multi platform apps. After starting with SproutCore in 2008, Tyler is now the owner of the open source project and helps companies develop best-of-class HTML5 applications through his company 7x7 Software, Inc. He is a passionate and empathetic speaker, who tries to clear the shades of grey and deliver something concrete and usable to each audience.

He currently lives in Regina Saskatchewan with his wife and three daughters.

Royal Saskatchewan Museum
2445 Albert Street, Regina

Date: Wednesday evening, November 7th, 2012

Cost: Free

5:30 pm Food and social - please register if you are joining us for dinner
6:00 pm Welcome
6:05 pm Part 1
6:55 pm Break
7:10 pm Part 2
8:00 pm Closing

We need to know how much food to order! :)

If you’re joining us for dinner, please register through the Regina Technology Community website.

If you’ve registered and are unable to attend, please let us know.

We order food at 12:00 pm on the day of the event, so please register (or unregister) before then!

Season Sponsors:

Paradigm - Prairie IT Pro & Dev Conference - ctc TrainCanada - Allstar Tech - Solvera - Oracle - Greystone - Imaginet - DevFacto - SaskPower - Conexus - Telerik - Microsoft Canada - Sutherland Consulting - SaskTel - MicroAge - ISM Canada - Adxstudio - Fujitsu

A big thank you to our sponsors!!

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