Matt Haines on Electric Imp

Update: Here is the Imp code and the webservice code.

The Regina Technology Community welcomes Matt Haines!

Topic: Creating the Internet of Things one Imp at a time
The Electric Imp is a cool new development platform that makes it incredibly easy to connect just about anything to the internet. This talk will introduce the Electric Imp as a platform and give you the skills you need to get a hardware project onto the web. This talk only uses very basic electronics and programming - don't be scared off if you think you don't know enough about either of these topics to attend.

We will be covering some super basic circuit design (think of them as recipes), the Squirrel programming language used by the Electric Imp, and the Electric Imp's online 'planner' that allows us to easily send and receive data from HTTP services (as well as a slew of other fun things).

Check out a video about Electric Imp!

Speaker: Matt Haines
Software developer by day, amateur hardware hacker by night. Matt has always had a passion for taking things apart, and more recently, putting them back together in new and interesting ways. When he isn't writing code or collecting requirements he's trying to get CrashBang Labs, a new makerspace in Regina, off the ground so he can share his passion for making things with the Queen City.

Twitter: @beardedinventor

Royal Saskatchewan Museum
2445 Albert Street, Regina

Date: Thursday evening, February 21st, 2013

Cost: Free

5:30 ~ 6:00 - Food and social - please register if you are joining us for dinner
6:00 ~ 6:05 - Welcome
6:05 ~ 7:00 - Part I
7:00 ~ 7:15 - Break
7:15 ~ 8:30 - Part II

We need to know how much food to order! :)

If you’re joining us for dinner, please register through the Regina Technology Community website.

If you’ve registered and are unable to attend, please let us know.

We order food at 12:00 pm on the day of the event, so please register (or unregister) before then!

Season Sponsors:

A big thank you to our sponsors!!

Want to invest in your community? We’re just starting our sponsorship drive for the season. Check out our sponsorship page.