Arron Taylor on 99.9% Uptime Considerations

The Regina Technology Community welcomes Arron Taylor!

Topic: 99.9% Uptime Considerations
Speaker: Arron Taylor
Arron Taylor is a Director of the Managed Services division of Fujitsu. His normal duties include staff mentorship, client management and provision of the many Managed Services that are offered. His abnormal duties cannot be put into words. In addition, Arron has technical expertise in architecture, advanced networking, security and help desk management. With over 25 years in the IT industry Arron has seen the migration from punch cards to floppies to solid state drives. One of Arron’s current undertakings along with many other experts is the commissioning of a new Fujitsu Tier III certified data centre in Saskatchewan along with running a MineCraft server for his sons and their friends.

Royal Saskatchewan Museum
2445 Albert Street, Regina

Date: Wednesday evening, May 22nd, 2013

Cost: Free

5:30 ~ 6:00 - Food and social - please register if you are joining us for dinner
6:00 ~ 6:05 - Welcome
6:05 ~ 7:00 - Part I
7:00 ~ 7:15 - Break
7:15 ~ 8:30 - Part II

We need to know how much food to order! :)

If you’re joining us for dinner, please register through the Regina Technology Community website.

If you’ve registered and are unable to attend, please let us know.

We order food at 12:00 pm on the day of the event, so please register (or unregister) before then!

Season Sponsors:

A big thank you to our sponsors!!

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