Adam Barrett on Modern Modular JavaScript

Join us on October 21st @ Noon for Adam Barrett on Modern Modular JavaScript!

Let’s talk about the three major JavaScript module systems: CommonJS (CJS), Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD), and ECMAScript 6 modules (ES6 Modules / Harmony Modules). We’ll talk about the basics of modular JavaScript, the benefits, some specific module loaders (RequireJS, Browserify, StealJS), and tools for browser optimization and server consumption of modules regardless of which module definition syntax (CJS, AMD, or ES6) you use.

Speaker: Adam Barrett
An experienced mobile developer with a love for JavaScript and the mobile web, Adam has worked for successful Saskatchewan companies like Itracks, Zu and GB Internet Solutions as a front-end and mobile developer. When he's not discussing prototypal inheritance or which framework is better, Adam is always up for a board game or a talk about movies.

Location: iQmetrix Condo, 1841 Scarth Street - Map
Date: Tuesday at noon, October 21st, 2014
Cost: Free

12:00 - Food & social - please register if you’ll be joining us for lunch
12:15 - Welcome
12:20 - Presentation
12:50 - Q & A, wrapup, networking

If you’re joining us for dinner, please Register!
Can’t make it? Let us know.

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