Adam Barrett on Solving Problems With Web Components

Join us on January 29th @ 5:30 PM for Adam Barrett on Solving Problems With Web Components!

So you know what web components are, and you’ve learned a bit about how to use them, but what’s the big deal? How is this going to improve my life as a web developer? If you’re already a web component dabbler, or if your interest was peaked at the Intro to Web Components talk, come to this session for a deeper dive into a component driven web. Learn about writing components, testing components, potential best practices, and how get your feet wet without jumping right in. If web components are the future of coding the web, we may as well start thinking about how to use them.

Speaker: Adam Barrett
An experienced mobile developer with a love for JavaScript and the mobile web, Adam has worked for successful Saskatchewan companies like Itracks, Zu and GB Internet Solutions as a front-end and mobile developer. When he's not discussing prototypal inheritance or which framework is better, Adam is always up for a board game or a talk about movies.

Location: German Club (map)
Date: Thursday at 5:30 PM, January 29th, 2015
Cost: Free

5:30 ~ 6:00 - Food and social - please register if you are joining us for dinner
6:00 ~ 6:05 - Welcome
6:05 ~ 6:55 - Part I
6:55 ~ 7:10 - Break
7:10 ~ 8:00 - Part II

If you’re joining us for dinner, please Register!
Can’t make it? Let us know.

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